Demonstration of the real effect of L-carnitine

Recently, the author of this article has seen some articles arguing that L-carnitine is useless. So we conducted a source investigation for his article "The Real Face of L-Carnitine." It was discovered that the rumor spreader was a certain nutritional supplement dealer. What’s ridiculous is that while he was exposing the uselessness of L-carnitine, he was hyping up a weight-loss product that claimed to be a fat-burning product. Therefore, Sima Zhao's intentions are known to everyone, and his purpose is to promote certain products through slander.

So today we will demonstrate the actual effect of L-carnitine. For the sake of objectivity and fairness, here we will quote academic research from a large number of medical experts.

"Levorotmeatalkaliis used inmedicaltherapy and health care HealthFoodfoodResearchApplicationsinfield NewProgressExhibition》Research Screenshot

In "Progress in Modern Biomedicine", Issue 6, 2006, page 95, "Levorotationcarnitinealkaliin< wbr />Research in thefieldsof medicaltherapy, healthfoodfood Researchshouldapplynewprogressdevelopment》. The researchers demonstrated the clinical application principles of L-carnitine and confirmed that L-carnitine has a detailed discussion on its effectiveness in treating cardiovascular disease, promoting fat metabolism in diabetic patients, and combining exercise with weight loss. Paper address:

His study cited multiple research documents.

Screenshot of the study "The Effect of L-Carnitine on Comprehensive Weight Control in Obese Adolescents"

Among them, Journal of Nutrition, 1997, 19 (2): 146 "Effects of L-carnitine on comprehensive weight control in obese adolescents", authors: Zhou Shufeng, He Zhiqian, Liu Jianping, She Hui. Paper address: Through actual comparisons among different groups of people, it has been proven that taking L-carnitine has a significant effect on weight loss, is safe and has no side effects.

DevilYaoSpiritPowderandLeftSpinMeatAlkaliPairFatFatpeopledietfooddrypreeffect》Research screenshots

In the "MagicYaoJingPowder" of the "Journal of Medicine of the People's Liberation Army" in Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2005 Andleftrotationmeatalkalirightfatfatpeoplediet The effectfruit of eatingdrypre Preventive Medicine Teaching and Research Section of the hospital). Paper address:

The study conducted comparative tests on obese people over 20 years old and proved that L-carnitine can promote the elimination of excess fat, is safe and non-toxic, has no impact on the liver and kidneys, and is suitable for long-term consumption by obese people.

"L-LeftrotationmeatalkaliUsagepurposeand ItsSafeSafeness》Screenshot of the study

There are too many published scientific studies on L-carnitine, so I won’t explain them all here. At this point in the article, every friend must be aware of the effects of L-carnitine. So, why do some friends take L-carnitine without any effect? We give the following opinions:

1: Don’t buy off-brand L-carnitine. Because L-carnitine is famousLiang, many copycat L-carnitine came here because of its reputation, which disrupted the entire market and caused L-carnitine to suffer a certain credibility crisis.
2: Try to buy L-carnitine from professional sports brands. Here we recommend "Combit L-Carnitine" which has high purity and no side effects such as diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, and regurgitation.

Click - Buy Genuine L-Carnitine

3: L-carnitine is taken in conjunction with exercise to accelerate fat metabolism and burning. If you don't exercise, fat will be difficult to burn off.
4: Control your diet. Obesity is caused by excess caloric intake. As long as you properly control the amount of food you eat, the weight loss effect will be better.