Beef (fat and lean) calories and weight loss benefits

Beef (fat and thin)

  • Alias:Fat Cow
  • Calories:125 kcal (100g edible portion)
  • Category:Eggs, meat and products
Nutrient content (per 100 grams) Nutrient content (per 100 grams)
Calories (kcal) 125.00 Carbohydrates (grams) 2.00
Fat (g) 4.20 Protein (gram) 19.90
Cellulose (gram) Vitamin a7.00
Vitamin c one Vitamin e0.65
Carotene one Thiamine0.04
Lactoflavin0.14 Niacin5.60
Cholesterol84.00 Magnesium20.00
Zinc4.73 Copper0.18
Manganese0.04 Kalium216.00
Phosphor168.00 Natrium84.20