1. Daily servings recommended by the Food Guide
The table below shows the recommended number of servings of food from each food group (four groups in total) that people of different ages and genders need to consume each day.

Please choose a variety of foods from the four recipe groups above, and drink water when you are thirsty.
Please drink water regularly. This is a thirst-quenching method that does not increase calories. Drink more water when the weather is hot or when you are very active.
Following the Food Guide’s tips on recommended food types and portions will help:
1. Enable you to obtain necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
2. Reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and osteoporosis.
3. Enhance people’s overall health and vitality.
2. What is a serving of food recommended by the Food Guide?
Please see the following examples.

3. How to calculate how many servings of foods recommended by the Food Guide are included in a meal?
Examples are as follows:
Stir-fried beef with vegetables, rice, a glass of milk, and an apple for dessert
250 ml (1 cup) cauliflower, carrot and red bell pepper mix = 2 servings Vegetables and Fruit
75 grams (2 oz.) lean beef = 1 serving of meat and alternatives
250 ml (1 cup) brown rice = 2 servings Grain food
5ml (1 tsp) of canola oil = part of your daily allowance for oils and fats
250 ml (1 cup) 1% low-fat milk = 1 serving of milk and alternatives
1 apple = 1 serving of vegetables and fruits
4. Give full play to the efficacy of each food recommended in the food guide
No matter where you eat, at home, at school, at work or in a restaurant.
Vegetables and fruits
1. Eat at least one serving of dark green vegetables and one serving of orange vegetables every day.
Choose dark green vegetables such as cauliflower, romaine lettuce and spinach.
Choose orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and winter squash.
2. Choose vegetables and fruits cooked with little or no added fat, sugar or salt.
Eat vegetables that are steamed, grilled, or stir-fried rather than fried.
3. Eat more vegetables and fruits and drink less juice.
Grain food
1. At least one of the grain foods you choose every day should be whole grain foods.
Eat barley, brown rice, oats, and quinoa millet. At least half of the grains you choose every day should be whole grains.
Eat a variety of whole grain foods such as barley, brown rice, oats, Quinoa and wild rice.
Eat whole-wheat bread, cereal, or whole-wheat spaghetti.
2. Choose low-fat, low-sugar and low-salt grain foods.
Make informed choices by referring to the nutritional information on the label.
Enjoy the original taste of grain foods and add less sauce or sauce.
Milk and alternatives
1. Drink skim milk, 1% or 2% low-fat milk every day.
2. Drink 500 ml (2 cups) of milk every day to get enough vitamin D.
3. People who don’t drink milk can drink fortified soy milk.
4. Choose low-fat milk alternatives.
5. Make wise choices by referring to the nutritional information on the yogurt or cheese label.
Meat and alternatives
1. Regularly consume foods such as soybeans, lentils and tofu as substitutes for meat.
2. Eat at least two servings of fish per week as recommended by the Food Guide.
3. Choose fish such as char, herring, mackerel, salmon, salmon and trout.
4. Choose lean meat and alternatives, and use less or no oil and salt when cooking.
5. Remove the obvious fat from the meat. Poultry should be skinned.
6. Use cooking methods that use little or no oil, such as roasting, roasting, and boiling.
7. If you eat luncheon meat, sausage or packaged meat, you should choose low-salt (sodium) and low-fat products.
Oils and Grease
1. The daily diet should include a small amount (30 to 45 ml or 2 to 3 tablespoons) of unsaturated fat,
2. Including cooking oil, salad dressings, margarine and mayonnaise, etc.
3. Use vegetable oils such as canola oil, olive oil and soybean oil.
4. Choose soft margarine that is lower in saturated fat and trans fat.
5. Limit the consumption of butter, hard margarine, lard and shortening
5. Suggestions for people of different ages and developmental stages
Eating according to Canada’s Food Guide recommendations will help children develop and thrive. Young children have small appetites and need to eat enough calories to grow and develop.
1. Provide children with nutritious food every dayNutritious meals and snacks.
2. Do not restrict children from eating nutritious foods because they contain fat. Choose a variety of foods from the four food groups.
3. The most important thing is to lead by example and set a good example for your children.
Women of childbearing age
All women who are able to become pregnant, who are already pregnant, or who are breastfeeding their babies need to take a daily multivitamin containing folic acid. Pregnant women also need to make sure the multivitamins they take contain iron. A health care professional can help you find the right multivitamin for your needs. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to consume more calories. You should add 2-3 servings of food recommended by the Food Guide every day.
The following are two examples:
1. Treat fruits and yogurt as snacks
2. Add an extra piece of bread for breakfast and an extra glass of milk for dinner.
Men and women over 50 years old
After the age of 50, the body’s need for vitamin D increases. In addition to eating according to Canada's Food Guide recommendations, everyone over the age of 50 should take a daily vitamin D supplement of 10 μg (400 IU/UI).
6. Adhere to healthy eating and exercise every day
The benefits of eating healthily and exercising include:
1. Improve overall health.
2. Feel more comfortable and look more fit.
3. Reduce the risk of disease.
4. More energy.
5. Maintain a healthy weight.
6. Muscles and bones are stronger.
Activity and exercise
Being active every day is an important step in improving your health and maintaining a healthy weight.
Physical activity guidelines recommend that adults engage in 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Children and teenagers should exercise for at least 90 minutes a day.
You don’t have to complete the above-mentioned physical exercises at one time, but can do it in several times. Adults should exercise for at least 10 minutes each time, and children and teenagers should exercise for at least 5 minutes each time.
Start gradually and gradually increase the amount of activity.
Healthy eating
Another important step to improve your health and maintain a healthy weight is to follow the recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide to:
1. Eat according to the food types and portions recommended by the guideline every day.
2. Limit your intake of foods and beverages that are high in calories, fat, sugar and salt (sodium), such as pastries, chocolates and candies, cookies and granola bars, deep-fried candies (bagels) and Waffles, ice cream and frozen desserts, french fries, potato chips, nachos and other snacks high in salt, alcoholic beverages, fruity drinks, soft drinks, sports and high-energy drinks, and sweetened hot and cold beverages.
Read food labels carefully
Compare the nutritional information on food labels and choose foods that are low in fat, saturated fat and trans fat, low in sugar and low in sodium.
Remember: The calories and nutrients listed on the label refer to the calories and nutrients contained in the specific food amount stated at the top of the Nutrition Facts panel.
Limit trans fat intake
In the absence of a Nutrition Facts panel, ask about the nutritional facts so you can choose foods lower in trans fats and saturated fats.
7. Take action today
Eat breakfast every day. This helps control your hunger later in the day.
Walk as much as possible – get off the bus early and walk up the stairs.
It is good for your health to eat vegetables and fruits with every meal or as snacks.
Reduce sedentary time such as watching TV or playing computer games.
When eating at a restaurant, ask about the nutritional content of various items on the menu so you can choose healthful dishes.
Share delicious food with family and friends!
Chew slowly and savor the delicious food!
8. Supplement: Simple food substitution