Weight loss elixir – low GI diet

Weight LossElixir - Low GI Diet

For weight loss and fitness, we often hear that we need to eat low-calorie, low-fat foods. Because it is not easy to cause fat accumulation, but this is only a one-sided understanding. There is another index that directly affects healthy weight loss-GI

The diet menu content for dieters is not just low-fat and low-calorie, but a "low GI" diet is also very important. The low GI diet is not some unorthodox diet. It is based on science. By maintaining the stability of blood sugar, it can effectively reduce the chance of fat formation.

1. What is GI

Glycemic Index, glycemic index, referred to as GI. The glycemic index of food is the result of comparison with pure glucose. In Asia, the GI value of pure glucose is generally set as 100 as the benchmark.

Low GI foods:

GI value is lower than 55,Such as vegetables, beans, apples, milk, meat.

Medium GI foods:

GI value 56~69, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and buckwheat noodles.

High GI foods:

GI value 70~99, such as watermelon, cake, bagels, corn, chocolate, and potatoes.

Extended reading:

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