Expert answers to 7 questions about fitness, exercise, diet and weight loss

Taotie, a metaphor for a gluttonous person, is now extended to mean eating. What to eat and how to eat? Only in this way can the needs of appetite and physical strength be properly satisfied, and only in this way can the body be healthier and not gain weight. Those dietary methods that we thought were correct will actually push our health to the point of no return. Now that we no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat, and we no longer need to worry about eating too much or too little, how to eat gluttonously has become a very important issue.

Eat as few meals as possible?

In order to lose weight, many women only eat a small amount of light food for three meals. But the problem is, after two or three hours, I feel hungry again. In fact, a certain degree of diet control is beneficial to weight loss, but hunger is not a good way to lose weight. Hunger will slow down the body's metabolism, and once you resume eating, the weight you lost will quickly return to its original position.

Recommendation: It is a good idea to eat smaller meals more often. Eating five times a day, three or four hours apart each time, will be more conducive to weight loss than eating a lot at breakfast and lunch. Consuming 200 to 300 calories per meal can keep your metabolism running at a high speed and prevent you from feeling hungry. In addition, since you eat not much food at a time, your stomach will not feel unsightly bulging, and your stomach and intestines can quickly digest and absorb them. But be careful to avoid drinking carbonated drinks, even sugar-free sodas, because the gas can make you bloated.

Carbohydrates are the culprit of obesity?

Whether it is colleagues who are losing weight or celebrities who regard thinness as their beauty, everyone is touting high-protein meals. One might conclude that being slim means not eating any carbohydrates like bread or rice. But actually carbohydrates are not the main cause of obesity. Many of these dieters lose weight quickly in the first few days, but they don't know that what they lose is actually water, not fat. The biggest problem with high-protein weight loss meals is that without noodles, rice or bread, the food choices become very small, and monotonous food makes it difficult to stick to it for a long time.

Recommendation: Rather than rejecting all carbohydrates, limit your intake selectively. White bread, cakes, and cookies are all things to stay away from. Not only are they fattening, but they may also make you crave them more and more.

Is breakfast optional?

Skipping breakfast has long been a common eating habit among office workers. The reasons include: it can save time, and it can reduce weight, etc. In fact, people all know that they should eat breakfast every day, but they are often not hungry in the morning. Since they are not hungry, it is okay not to eat breakfast, and they can also eat less and lose dozens of grams of meat. Therefore, many people would rather skip the breakfast step and save the energy it brings.

However, after a night of sleep, after getting up, the various organs of the body will quickly return to the working state during the day, and you will feel hungry soon, and this will inevitably make people wolf down lunch. As a result, consuming more calories at lunch than at breakfast is not conducive to weight loss. And the role of breakfast is not just to control appetite. Experts point out that a healthy breakfast can speed up people's metabolism, which means that breakfast can help people consume more calories throughout the day.

Recommendation: Eat an appropriate amount of whole grain foods within 1 hour after waking up, combined with foods containing protein, a small amount of fat and fiber-rich foods. For example, whole wheat sliced ​​bread and eggs, or nuts and oatmeal. Cereals can provide stable calories, while protein, fat and high-fiber foods can make people feel full and maintain normal blood sugar.